Tienda online para mascotas y animales

Moser para perros

Moser para perros

Over 50 years of know-how gained as one of the leading manufacturers of professional hairstyling appliances and animal clippers have made us what we are today. From the invention of the world's first hairstyling appliance right up to high-tech products with the latest lithium ion technology and captivating design, we inspire and delight millions of people today all around the world.

We aim to provide everybody with the optimum tool for perfect hairstyling, a goal we will achieve through technical innovation and the continuous further development of our products. We work together with experts from all over the world in this respect.

Our products rekindle the true passion for hairstyling all over again. We make cutting hair simple, but we also primarily represent unconventional, modern working with the machine. This ensures that every cut is successful and, simultaneously, an incomparable experience.


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2 productos en 1 páginas
  • Por whitaker c. publicado el 22/01/2016

    perfect! super quiet, easy to use and cuts my cocker spaniels thick hair easily. kept turning off machine throughout, did not over heat at all.
    highly recommend this machine!

  • Por fernando p. publicado el 18/07/2013

    Ya e tenido otros tipos de máquina corta pelo y esta me parece muy buena en cuanto a calidad y precio,fácil de usar y manejable

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